Please download our School Handbook. This document is designed to give you, the parent, an overview of the school and the various activities that take place here. It also contains some of the important policies which have been developed over the years by staff, parents and Board of Management. These policies are to ensure the smooth running of the school. They are always open to change and suggestions are most welcome.
If this is your first child to go to primary school then it may be quite a while since you have had any contact with school. Some things may have changed a lot and perhaps some may not have changed at all. Either way, we hope that this brochure may answer some of your questions, give you some practical advice on how to help your child as he/she begins school, and give you some information on the primary education system.
Scoil Éanna opened its doors for the first day on 1st September 2003 as an amalgamation of Scoil Bhríde Girls’ School and St. Patrick’s Boys’ School. Both schools had shared the one campus since 1975 as two separate schools. The amalgamation has marked the beginning of a positive new beginning for our school. Since then our school has moved from strength to strength. We have had major financial works over the past few years that have seen our electrical, plumbing and heating system upgraded to a very high specification. We also have had our flat roof replaced with a state-of-the-art pitched roof. Then more recently our playgrounds have been upgraded.
Currently we have eight mainstream classrooms, four special education rooms, three supply panel teachers, a meeting room, two offices, a first-aid room and a staffroom. Our main hall provides a venue for school celebrations, assembly and also P.E lessons. All of our mainstream classrooms are equipped with interactive whiteboards.