We here at Scoil Éanna are hosting an Internet Safety Day on next Monday 20/02/2017. The children from 3rd to 6th classes will have lessons during the day and you, their parents and guardians, are invited to a talk that evening from 7.00p.m. in the school. Please feel free to bring others with you who may be interested. Things in the world of electronic communication are developing at a pace and it is difficult to keep up with things. We as adults can find it challenging to stay up to date, but we must do our best to protect ourselves and the children in our care. We are looking forward to a good turn out on the night.
We had a very successful enrolment last week. If there are others who have still to enrol children could you please make sure to contact the school by Tuesday 28/02/2017. We would also ask that you bring this to the attention of anyone you know who may be considering sending their child to Scoil Éanna in September.
As you are all aware, next week is mid-term break. We will be closed on Thursday and Friday 23rd and 24th February.