Scoil Éanna is geographically and educationally at the centre of the Parish of Tullycorbet and underpins all aspects of our communal life. We are a Catholic, co-educational school under the patronage of the Bishop of Clogher, Larry Duffy.
“Children are our future,” and our mission is to promote this aspiration. We strive to provide an inclusive, caring, safe, happy, and nurturing learning environment where the diverse, spiritual, intellectual, physical, emotional, and mental wellbeing, moral and cultural needs of all children are recognised and addressed, so that all pupils and staff may grow and develop to attain their individual destinies.
To achieve all of the above, it is important to recognise the partnership between management, staff, parents, pupils and our parish community. The school’s Board of Management has the responsibility and duty to oversee and implement all curricular, legislative, and educational directives while having regard for the already established and accepted Christian ethos, alongside promoting the wellbeing of all involved.
The school staff sees it as their responsibility, through their professional interactions, to promote all aspects of the school ethos. Our school also recognises that the wellbeing, professional growth, and personal development of teachers are duties of care and consideration for all stakeholders.
Parental involvement is never undervalued or underestimated. It is the Parents’ Association’s role to reflect both the needs and wants of the general parent body. This duty must also be cognisant of our Christian ethos while promoting the wellbeing of all students and their families.
Our school is at the centre of the social, religious, and cultural fabric of the community. Our school motto, “Déan do dhícheall” – “Do your best,” reflects our understanding and awareness of this fact. “Excellence is never a given – it must always be aspired to,” and we believe that a foundation of wellbeing in all aspects of school life is essential to achieving that excellence.