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CMO Letter to Schools

As you are aware from today  children from third class up have to wear masks  in school due to the deterioration of Covid -19 cases in the country. This is particularly the case in the 5-11 age category. To help explain the reasons why  this is and what both  young people and you as parents […]

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Antigen Testing

Antigen Testing Arrangements

This is an update on plans to provide for the use of antigen testing in certain circumstances in children who are asymptomatic and part of a classroom pod, where there is a confirmed case of COVID-19. DoE letter to Parents re Antigen Testing 25.11.2021 EV

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Welcome Junior Infants 2021

The time has come to embark on life in ‘big school’ and I’m sure this week sees mixed emotions for your child – some nerves and much excitement!  We are here in school working hard to ensure the safe re-opening of the school. All the supplies (books, crayons, pencils etc.) that your children will need […]

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Back to School September 2021

Dear Parents and Guardians, I hope you and your families are all well and that you had a well-deserved rest and some time to recuperate over the summer months.  As we prepare to begin the new 2021-22 school year we are faced with many of the same pandemic issues as last year and currently the […]

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End of Year News

N.B. School will close for the summer holidays @ 12 noon tomorrow, Wednesday 23rd June.  Buses will run at this time. As we come to the end of what has been an extraordinary year I want to thank each and every one of you for your tremendous and unwavering support. I thank you sincerely for helping us […]

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School Report Explanation

Many of you have been receiving your child’s report today.  One section is about Standardised Test Scores  Please click on the links below that explain STen Scores for 6th class and Standardised Scores for 1st to 5th.   END OF YEAR REPORTS   Information Leaflet for parents/guardians June 2021   Understanding STen Scores 6th Class […]

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