We wish all the children in second class a wonderful day tomorrow as they make their First Holy Communion. They have prepared so well and are excitedly looking forward to this important day in their young lives.

We wish all the children in second class a wonderful day tomorrow as they make their First Holy Communion. They have prepared so well and are excitedly looking forward to this important day in their young lives.
May Parent Newsletter
April Parent Newsletter
March Newsletter
Wishing all of our 6th Class pupils all God’s blessings as they celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation this Sunday 27th March @ 3pm in St. Patrick’s Church.
Scoil Éanna is Green School. Read More
Students, visit our learning zone and participate in quizzes and much more. Visit our Learning Zone
Scoil Éanna,
Castleblayney Road,
Ballybay, Co. Monaghan.